Thursday, May 7, 2009


10th February: I started editing and cropping all the images that was created of Sonic The Hedgehog. I used the crop tool and also used many of the fx effects to make the characters stand out n unique. I designed various pictures which are all displayed in this
17th March: Continued on cropping all the images into .png files so that it could be added into Adobe Flash.
31st March: After Cropping all the images one by one into a .png file i ended up losing my USB, which contained all the work that i have been working on from September. Got a temporary USB to keep me going through the Easter Holidays
3rd - 19th April: Easter Holiday, did Marks Unit 58 Interactive Media Authoring. got few assignments outstanding to do which is the Plan for Unit 2 and Unit 59 Multimedia. there are also few other things that needs to be done as such as distincion task for Unit 60 and Unit 61.
20th April: Eater Break is over, started on the cropping again after losing most of the work. I re-designed few of the pages and also added effects on the ones that didn't have any effects. Also started on the Adobe Flash work. Learnt how to use Adobe Flash the same way i use Adobe Photoshop!
27th April: Continuing on with the flash work. Had to re-do it all because the canvas size was to small, so i changed it from 500 x 400 to 1280 x 1024. As you can tell the previous canvas was to small so when it came to editing all the .png files it were too big. After realizing i re-sized the canvas and placed everything easier.
7th May: Today all i did was continued on my Adobe Flash work..
I also Drew up my StoryBoard for my Unit 2 Plan. Scanned it in n saved it.. Shown below..

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