Tuesday, September 23, 2008

23rd September 2008

I have created more pictures of sonic the hedgehog and the other characters in photoshop.

Later on during 1pm-3pm i stratred getting to know how to use adobe flash properly. Having a go at it, i have created play, stop, pause, rewind and fast forward buttons. This enabled me to add it onto a movie n use it to control the actions. I also learned how to import and also export videos in adobe flash and learnt how to use command buttons and action buttons.. I Learnt how to convert symbols into buttons and movie clips.

Finally towards the end of the day i have started on my plan for unit 3. Done a bit of research and also carried on with what i had to do.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday 16th September 2008

Today i have started on the analysis on the three chosen ideas.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

9th sept 2008

Today i have been planning on an Interactive Media Project.
I Have come up with 10 ideas for my interactive cd-rom project..

The 10 ideas are

v Sonic the hedgehog
v Kanye west
v Sean Jean Perfume
v Rimmel London
v Cinderella
v Clothing brands
v Harry Potter
v Mobile Phones
v Eco – Friendly
v Ugly Betty

I choose two ideas in which am going to take furthur, which is the sonic the hedgehog idea n harry potter..